The Market Place

Trust me The Market is a Beautiful Place. Foods, Cloths, Home Items etc are sold there but one irony about this Place is that most people who sell Food items don't even have enough to eat. Going to the Market makes me Happy, I have been called Market Woman most times and I try not to say I'm not. So on Wednesday I went to a well known Market in Port Harcourt (Oil Mill) be sure to see 80% of Women that day. I most times get angry when I don't have enough money because you will see a lot to buy. "Madam buy this" "Aunty buy that" "Sister this one go fit you", Most times I'm like why don't they call Oga, Uncle or Brother. Anyways, the Market is a part of a Woman World, I just concluded. So I got inside The Market. At a corner all i heard was, "Buy your Bra for 50 naira" Ha! Bra 50 naira? I paused to look at what kind of Bra's are sold for 50 naira. And I'm sure some people will still price two for 50 naira. I s...