LYDIA : Her Virtues....

So I met Lydia of Thyatira🙈
Okay! I actually stumbled on her character in the book of Acts, not that i met her anyways but i still feel i did which fall in love with her. So I Googled about her immediately and I'm blessed I did.

Lydia has so many Virtues that I love and I really want to share Five of them because it is important for those who don't know about her to get informed and to also read about her.

Been so familiar with characters as Queen Esther, Deborah, Ruth, Naomi and other popular women in the bible. Many can tell their stories even without going through there bibles or Google, but trust me we still have many Beautiful and Amazing Women who have sweet stories about them. I found another great personality in Lydia that is to be emulated as Christian Ladies and to me they are good Virtues.

I'm sharing Five Virtues based on how i understood and would love us(Ladies) to apply it in our life's.

1. Lydia desired God.

Desire is a strong feeling of wanting to have or a since of longing and belonging for a person.
Lydia had this desire.
She hungered for God in her life. It is mentioned in the Bible that she wasn't even a Christian but when she believed in him she grew this hunger to seek him.
Desiring God is a Virtue and it is important for us to do so especially as Women. Belonging to a person or wanting to be around someone important is sweet but you can imagine if that person is God. She opened her Heart to God and this made her Faith firm in him.

2. Lydia understood Servanthood.

Lydia did not only served God but she served her people. She understood that their is a need to help her people and  Serving people is Humility. Humility is the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.
So permit to say Lydia was humble. Been humble is a difficult task for most people especially when we are above them in anyway. But here is Lydia, her act of humility made God use her.

3.Lydia Maintained her Glow.

Yes she did!
Maintaining your Glow means still been in the Light that shined towards others that made you attracted to them. She wasn't slothful in her Business and this made her known. Most times we are neither here or there. We glow at one point in time and our light becomes dime when we leave the source of our light. So she walked in the light of God.

4. Lydia was Accommodating.

She Accommodated Paul and the other servants of God. She opened up her house for them to come in because she understood that's the show of Love. God loves a heart that Accommodates. He expects us to show this kind of love to others because it portrays his providence and care for believers.

5. Lydia was not know to be Lazy.

Lydia was know to be a successful woman. A well known entrepreneur in her City, that dealt with Clothing's; Purple linens with dyes. This made her City known around the Universe because of her skills.
Skills are knowledge gained by actually doing something Competent that boost our selves and are special qualities that makes a person. Having Skills are very needful.

Lydia has many more Virtues to be read about and for us to practice.
Having Virtue is a Beautiful thing.
It makes you Worthy and have Standard as a Woman.

Remember Godly VIRTUES are Powerful TOOLS  that makes you a Good Queen.
Lydia is one Kind Character you can Become.

Ps: Our Road to Becoming the Women we love people to admire first starts with having Godly Virtue.

I pray the holy spirit gives us the understanding.
With love from my heart..


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