

Proverbs 14:1a
"Every wise woman buildeth her house..."

I visited the Open Heavens Center at the Redemption Camp around March this year during the special Holy Ghost Congress with two of my mummies in church. It was my first time there and I have heard a lot of testimonies from that center.

I had my own expectations too. In fact, I needed a word before i leave that place.
So, we got into the place and we were taken around. Then, we got to the place were we are to enter into the former Mummy G.Os room. We did, prayed and tapped a lot of blessings if you know what I mean.

I was still expecting my take home word from God sincerely. I thought I will even get it when I got into Mummies room while praying but no I didn't but guess what?

I did!
Just at her door post.

I didn't see the verse while entering until i came out and it was Proverbs 14:1a, just at her door post.

I had this strong push to check out that verse. So I got home, checked the verse and wondered how does this concerns me. This verse is for married women who already have a home or house but that day I opened my heart to listen whether it concerns me or not.

The first message I got was that,

I took my dictionary to check what a builder is and as well googled it, its not as if I never knew what is meant though but I had to check if I could see something different.

I got the simplest definition saying a builder is someone whose job is to build and to build is to make by putting together parts, to develop, to form or to increase. In other words, a builder is one whose responsibility is to put up using appropriate, authentic and solid materials to create a perfect house suitable and beautiful for it clients.

Still trying to understand why I was studying that, it became so clear to me that I can start building my house now as a single lady, that I shouldn't wait till am married to start laying the foundations, getting authentic materials or becoming that wise woman who builds.

What is this God telling me?

Ire my daughter!

Now, what am I saying to every single lady reading this now.

Please start BUILDING!

You have the ability now to start building to your taste the kind of house you want to have in the future.

Just as a builder have a client and that they want to satisfy also, you are just that very client to yourself.


Maybe I should remind you again, you have a divine profession as a Builder. You are the architect, bricklayer, labour man, carpenter, painter, Fence erector, interior designer of your dream house for that marriage now.

Do not wait until you are married to start building. Right now take the pains and sought out for the best designs, solid blocks, best paint colours and fence to erect for your future house when you get married.

Let me share something about the being the fence erector in your house. This is one of the best revelation I got second to being an interior designer of my future house.

We all know a fence is for protecting the building from every unwanted visitors and we know it is erected with a gate and without a gate, fencing is useless.

Okay! This means equipping your self prayerfully now, having a prayer life and altar, being the gatekeeper of that house, so you can be able to protect your future family from every unwanted visitor and by now you should know that the devil is a fighter to good homes. With this knowledge you are already protecting and building walls of fire around your territory. So don't just wait until you are married before you start having a prayer life or altar girl!

I wish I can share all of this but I will be leaving us with this to think and pray about.

Ps: When the house crumbles, the builder is held responsible.


Yours Truly,



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