I thought to share this again with someone who is broken and feels useless. 

So, after Nysc 2018, I returned to where I served to assist with a long-planned project (NCCF Rural Rugged), knowing how helpful I might be to them.
The first day, during our evening cooking, we are to make rice. During this process, the basin on which we placed our large filter broke due to the weight. So we all left to find another basin. Meanwhile, we were about to throw it out when I realized it could still be beneficial. Unconsciously, I made the following statement: 

"Broken Vessels Can Still Be Used" 

One of the Sisters Coordinators, Mamo, who had traveled from another zone to assist, grinned at me, either because she knew what I meant or because she was asking, "What usefulness?" 

It was so nearly entirely Broken that it was of no use.
In order to be fast with our cooking, we just kept it on one side then looked for another basin. Therefore, on Sunday morning when it was time to serve our usual tea and bread before leaving, everything had already been moved back to the family house earlier, leaving us with nowhere to put the cups we were to serve with as cups can't be used like plates that may be set out on the floor. 

Then I thought back to that Basin!
Indeed Broken Vessels are still useful.

Broken YOU can still be who others look out for! 
You may be asking why they are still useful given that they are broken, but in reality, every broken piece of our lives serves as a safeguard for what lies ahead.
Even though we had just washed the cups, I assure you that if we had thrown the basin away, we would have served with dirty cups. 

And this occurs in real life when we permit our mistakes to lead to others making the same mistakes we did because we choose not to be available.
In the same way, when we make mistakes in life that leave us broken for a very long time, we are eager to give up. And this ensures our uselessness all by itself. 

Being broken shouldn't define your destiny or give you the impression that you can't be mended. 

God is saying in Psalms 147:3 (Msg) Says, 
He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds. 

In order to restore our usefulness, God first heals our hearts before covering every broken part of us completely and without a trace.
Believe me, there is always a bright side to everything, but you should never throw away any parts of yourself that you believe to be broken; instead, you should try to fix them so that you can eventually fix others.
God still demands that we perform in every area because it's possible that the testimony of our healings will help another person. 

However, you can put your brokenness before God and ask Him to restore you so that you can continue to be Important and Useful.
Step away from your brokenness with your victory.
Since you still have life, nothing should ever break you. 

With Love from my Heart❤

#lightandgoodness #lovedandgraced


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