Trust me Girls!
We've been asked in one way or the other questions as what we really want to change in our bodies or what we really wished God made us to look like physically. I too have been asked in different occasions and to be truthful I have always wished i had this plenty and moulded HIPS like that, that kind of Mercy Johnson's own so I can fit into any straight how and look like Barbie (please dont go back to the picture lol)... Seriously these things burdens us a lot even when we pretend they don't, even me too but until I came to the understanding of Psalms 139:14-16. I began to have a different perspectives of my Creation.

KJV verse 14; " I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well".

I carefully picked up two powerful words here, "FEARFULLY" and "WONDERFULLY" and since then I have had this so much confident of how I was made by God and I still thank him I'm not what I wished for.

First of all, You been Fearfully and Wonderfully made has to do with your Inside (Spirit) and Outside (Body) which is connected to your Spiritual and Physical  being.

Secondly, Until you understand the significants of this words in your creation, your will never gain confident of who you are and what you are made off.

Hey CupCakes!
In essence, both Spiritually and Physically you are Extremely made GOOD. God knows exactly how he formed you bit by bit. He carefully crafted you in Adoration, that is why he first of all formed you from the Inside (Fearfully; Self-confident and Spirited) before the Outside (Wonderfully - Amazing and Beautiful). All these attributes describes you whether Fat or Slim, Shapeful or Shapeless, Tall or Short, Dark or Light in complexions. So before you start wishing for what you are not always take a deep breath to reflection on these and why God called you so.
I konw most times our physical images are what we put our bases on, especially the growing Teen Girls and Young Adult Ladies too. We all wish our shapes, Legs and so many others are so magnificent.

Know this Truth Girl!
You are Magnificent the way you are but the moment you begin not feeling so you begin to destroy yourself from the inside, your thoughts about you will give rise to negativity and your confident will be lowered which will then birth Fear, Lowself Esteem, Not worthy or Fit. And surely these will all show off physically (Body). And attempts of changing them will then come up in different forms. Funny enough we then change our Perfect self (Our Inner Qualities and Nature) to a wrong self.
Nevertheless, Be proud of how you are made. First, in your Spirit because you were Intentionally made by God. Always say to your self in the mirrors;


These words will build you!
You that isn't proud of you!
You who wished you could mould another you!
You who feel depressed over that error you have physically!
You who wished you were someone else!

I Pray the Holy spirit gives us the understanding.
With Love from my Heart..


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